Do you need:

  • Help understanding where funders will probe, how they’ll engage in your project, and how you can meet their expectations?
  • Help understanding your vision, business model, your unique solution, and your growth strategy?
  • Guidance establishing direct mail and online/mobile campaigns?

Fundraising Services - Everyday attention while delivering new ideas and outcomes

Annual Fund

Approximately 24% of online transactions were made using mobile devices. Expand your donor base and create multi pathways for annual fund donors to become your major gift pipeline. Ensure crowdfunding and mobile strategy integration is in your annual fund plan.

Major Gifts

Giving by individuals totaled an estimated $286.65 billion, rising 5.2%:  Cultivate your prospects in different ways. Assist in all facets of major gift cultivation from prospect research, segmentation of gifts and create personalized stewardship plans which provide a map for your donors.


Giving to foundations is estimated to have increased by 15.5 %: Developing  foundation relation plans which include prospect research, grant areas of interest and solicit foundations.  Create and design personal foundations for individuals which will spark community citizenry.


Staff resources on an event can often take time away from other productive, profitable fundraising activities: We can support all aspects of events and specialize in developing major gifts and sponsorship models to ensure your event retains your constituents and attracts new attendees to your portfolio.

Giving Circles

In 2023, giving circles continued to gain popularity as a significant philanthropic trend, particularly among younger and more diverse donors Globally, giving circles are expanding, with notable growth in regions such as Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Similarly, giving circles in Europe and Latin America are beginning to mirror the successful models established in the United States. In the U.S., giving circles are becoming an essential part of the philanthropic landscape, with estimates suggesting that they could engage up to 350,000 members and move around $1 billion in donations in the coming years. This growth reflects the increasing appeal of collective giving, particularly among younger generations who value the connection and impact that these groups provide.